2020-08-27Episode: ‘I Still Believe in It’ –Nice White Parents
2020-09-03Discussion on Dr. Stanislaus’s dissertation work
2020-09-10No Meeting
2020-09-17 A Therapist Walks into a Bar: Seeing White
2020-09-24Bhattacharya, K. (2015). The Vulnerable Academic: Personal Narratives and Strategic De/Colonizing of Academic Structures. Qualitative Inquiry22(5), 309–321.
2020-10-01Chapter 1 from Holland’s Identity and Agency in Cultural Worlds, “The Woman Who Climbed up the House.”
2020-10-08Crenshaw, K. (1989). Demarginalizing the intersection of race and sex: A Black feminist critique of antidiscrimination doctrine, feminist theory and antiracist policies. The University of Chicago Legal Forum1989(1), 139–167.

Podcast versions of the book by Michael Bronski— A Queer History of the United States.

2020-10-22Podcast episode:
2020-10-29No Meeting, informal discussion

Discussion on Maimuna’s manuscript for 2021 CoNECD Conference

Short info: In this manuscript, the authors tell the story of one minoritized student’s experience in engineering education. These stories help uncover new insights about inclusion by incorporating aspects of student identity and faculty interactions within each story.


2020-11-12Open House
2020-11-19Discussion on Andrew/Bailey’s work
2020-11-26Thanksgiving break

Final Meeting

C. Bullock, E. (2017). Only STEM Can Save Us? Examining Race, Place, and STEM Education as Property. Educational Studies53(6), 628–641.