08/29/2023Check in meeting
09/12/2023Discussion on Tiana’s in-progress paper from UTA project
09/19/2023Dr. Matthew Bahnson guest visit and Q&A Session
 09/26/2023Discussion on Emmanuel’s paper
10/03/2023Discussion on Dorothy’s Storytelling Project
10/17/2023ERG research speed dating
10/31/2023Dr. Atota Halkiyo paper presentation and Discussion.
11/07/2023Workshop on mindfulness led by Bailey
11/14/2023JEDI Ambassador presentation
11/21/2023No meeting
11/28/2023Writing Check-in meeting
12/05/2023Dr. Andrew Green dissertation presentation
12/12/2023JEDI Ambassador presentation
05/01/2023Take week off 
05/09/2023Summer Reading Part 1: The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*** by Mark Manson
05/16/2023Summer Reading Part 2: The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*** by Mark Manson
05/23/2023Guided Positionality Reflection led by Nivedita
05/30/2023Guided Positionality Reflection led by Nivedita
06/06/2023Summer Reading Part 1: Rest is Resistance by Tricia Hersey
06/13/2023Mock panel discussion on the challenges and opportunities of generative AI in engineering education Led by Viyon
06/20/2023Summer Reading Part 2: Rest is Resistance by Tricia Hersey
06/27/2023ASEE, No meeting  
07/4/2023School Holiday 
07/11/2023Debrief and chat about favorite papers from the ASEE conference
07/18/2023Sharing in progress AERA proposals
07/25/2023Yume Menghe Xu guest visit and Q&A session
Paper: Xu, Y. M., & Gravel, B. (2023, June), A Case Study: Making Facilitates an Engineering Student’s (Re)Negotiation with Her Disciplinary Relationships Paper presented at 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Baltimore, Maryland.
08/01/2023Jerry Yang  guest visit and Q&A session
Paper: Yang, J. A., & Antonio, A. L., & Sheppard, S. (2023, June), Overrepresented ≠ Not-Marginalized: Unpacking the Racialization of Asians and Asian-Americans in Engineering Education Paper presented at 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Baltimore, Maryland.
08/08/2023Peter Austin  guest visit and Q&A session
Paper: Peters, A. M. K. (2023, June), (Re)membering Indigenous Spirituality in Engineering Education: A Narrative Literature Review Paper presented at 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Baltimore, Maryland.
01/10/2023Building Resilient Organizations
01/17/2023Dr. Karin Jensen guest visit and Q&A session
01/24/2023Discussion on Florida’s recent laws and actions related to DEI
01/31/2023Dr. Donovan Colquitt guest visit and Q&A session.
02/07/2023Dr. Delean Tolbert guest visit and Q&A session. Tolbert Smith, D., Jones, T., & Cardella, M. E. (2022). A narrative investigation of Black familial capital that supports engineering engagement of middle-school-aged youth. Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research (J-PEER), 12(1), 2.
02/14/2023Discussion on Caste Equity
Organizing towards caste equity at Alphabet
02/21/2023J and Malak CoNECD practice Talk for feedback 
02/28/2023No Meeting
03/07/2023 Discussion led by Bailey on DEI and education in Florida
03/14/2023Discussion on Nivedita’s ASEE Paper Draft
03/21/2023Discussion on Maimuna’s ASEE Paper Draft
03/28/2023Art of Journal Writing Led by Stephen Secules
04/04/2023Special Speaker Talk
04/11/2023Dr. Walter Lee guest Visit and Q&A session
04/18/2023No Meeting
04/25/2023Wrap up and discussion on next semester
08/23/2022Introductions + Fall 2022 planning
08/30/2022Islam, M., & Mercer-Mapstone, L. (2021). ‘University is a non-Muslim experience, you know? The experience is as good as it can be’: Satisfied settling in Muslim students’ experiences and implications for Muslim student voice. British Educational Research Journal, 47(5), 1388–1415.
09/06/2022Painting By Numbers: Code Switch
09/13/2022 Watch party on Virtual panel: Improving Math Achievement: Changing Math Instruction, the Bob Moses Way
09/20/2022 Ask me anything session
09/27/2022 Dr. Aaron Kuntz guest visit
10/04/2022 Hidden Brain podcast: How to Really Know Another Person
10/11/2022 Discussion on Dr. Secules’ one of the paper idea
10/18/2022Dr. Jerrod Henderson guest visit
10/25/2022 Group discussion with JEDI students, mentored by Bailey
11/01/2022Carian, E. & Johnson, A. (2022). The Agency Myth: Persistence in Individual Explanations for Gender Inequality. Social Problems 69. 123-142. doi: 10.1093/socpro/spaa072
11/08/2022Discussion on Nivedita’s work-in-progress
11/15/2022Carrigan, C., & Bardini, M. (2021). Majorism: Neoliberalism in student culture. Anthropology & Education Quarterly52(1), 42-62.
11/29/22Discussion on the topic of mitigating research harms with Dr. Stephanie Masta. Suggested reading:
08/23/2022Kick-Off Meeting
01/11/22Discussion on our winter reading,
An Afro-Indigenous History of the United States by Dr. Kyle T. Mays
Discussion on two Anurag Minus Verma podcast episodes: #39 with Dr. Suraj Yengde and #41 with Riya Singh [Rise of Dalit feminism].  Spotify and Apple Podcast links for both episodes: #39- Spotify, #39- Apple, #41- Spotify, and  #41- Apple
01/24/22Group discussion on the journal article, Why American engineers aren’t unionized: A comparative perspective, led by Bailey and then talk about how the topics covered in the article map onto her research interests / future research plans
01/31/22Philip, T. M., Gupta, A., Elby, A., & Turpen, C. (2018). Why Ideology Matters for Learning: A Case of Ideological Convergence in an Engineering Ethics Classroom Discussion on Drone Warfare. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 27(2), 183–223.
02/07/22Ahmed, S. (2007). A phenomenology of whiteness. Feminist Theory8(2), 149–167.
02/14/22 Discuss Nivedita’s suggested the Seeing White podcast, Episode 2 and Episode 3.
Discuss Simone’s paper idea
02/21/22America’s Caste System, Throughline podcast: “Race” is often used as a fundamental way to understand American history. But what if “caste” is the more appropriate lens? In conversation with Pulitzer Prize winner Isabel Wilkerson, we examine the hidden system that has shaped our country.
02/28/22No meeting- Spring Break! 

Eli Tucker Raymond guest visit and Q&A.

Tucker-Raymond, E., Lewis, N., Moses, M., & Milner, C. (2016). Opting in and creating demand: Why young people choose to teach mathematics to each other. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 25(6), 1025-1041

03/14/22 No meeting.
03/21/22 Dr. Greses Pérez guest visit and Q&A

Dr. Cassandra McCall guest visit and Q&A.

McCall, C., Shew, A., Simmons, D.R, Paretti, M.C, McNair, L.D, (2020). Exploring student disability and professional identity: Navigating sociocultural expectations in U.D. undergraduate civil engineering programs. Australasian Journal of Engineering Education, 25:1, 79-89. doi:

04/04/22 Crip Camp documentary suggested by Dr. Cassandra McCall. 
04/11/22Equity Meeting Guest Visit Workshop from Dr. Emily Blosser, Title: Why feminism? Some reflections on the value of doing feminist research in engineering education.
04/18/22Continued discussion on Spanish use in engineering contexts, led by Dr. Greses Pérez
04/25/22 Myers, J. (2013). Why support students? Using the past to understand the present. Higher Education Research & Development32(4), 590-602.
05/02/22 No meetings!
08/23/2021Kick-Off Meeting
08/31/2021Chapter 1 of Eagleton Ideology and discussion about the concept of ideology and what it might be used for.
09/06/2021Labor Day
09/13/2021Chapter 3 from Riley, D. (2008). Engineering and social justice. Synthesis Lectures on Engineers, Technology, and Society3(1), 1-152.
09/20/2021Dr. James Holly Jr. joined us to talk about his work! In preparation for this exciting guest visit, we will read a short JEE editorial that he authored and listen to two of his podcasts, which can be found on
09/27/2021Carlone, H. B., Haun‐Frank, J., & Webb, A. (2011). Assessing equity beyond knowledge‐and skills‐based outcomes: A comparative ethnography of two fourth‐grade reform‐based science classrooms. Journal of Research in Science Teaching48(5), 459-485.
10/04/2021Dr. Brian Dewsbury from STEM TI joined us to discuss his paper Deep teaching in a college STEM classroom and answer any general questions the group has for him about his research. Dewsbury, B. M. (2020). Deep teaching in a college STEM classroom. Cultural Studies of Science Education15(1), 169-191.
10/11/2021Tiana discussed the KFSCIS undergraduate teaching assistant program developed through their Center for Inclusive Computing grant. Interested one can check out this link
10/18/2021 Dr. Kristen Moore from the University of Buffalo visited us to discuss and answer any general questions the group has for her about her research. 
10/25/2021We read Dr. Secules’ in-progress journal manuscript and provided feedback during the meeting.
11/01/2021Abstract evaluation for all equity research group members and attendees planning to submit an abstract to ASEE 2022 during the meeting.
11/08/2021 Discussion on Exposure, training, and environment: Women’s participation in computing education in the United States and India (2009) by Roli Varma, particularly how the ideas in this paper relate to Nivedita’s and Tiana’s emergent research interests. Varma, R. (2009). Exposure, training, and environment: Women’s participation in computing education in the United states and India. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering15(3).
11/15/2021Bailey led a discussion on the Introduction, Chapter 4, and Chapter 6 of Neoliberalism’s War on Higher Education by Henry Giroux. Giroux, H. A. (2014). Neoliberalism’s war on higher education. Haymarket Books.

Discussion on the new Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) Ambassador Program that Dr. Secules, Andrew, and Bailey are piloting. The ambassadors are currently working on four student programming, K-12 outreach, and research projects, so the team plans to have ambassadors attend to tell the group all about them.

Brief description of the JEDI program: The JEDI ambassador program is a student-led initiative aimed at supporting student advocacy through an inclusive learning community that participates in research, outreach, and leadership development. JEDI ambassadors will represent all majors within the College of Engineering and Computing (CEC), as well as the diverse backgrounds that are reflective of our student body and the local community. This initiative takes a holistic approach to creating a culture of inclusion and addressing social justice needs within engineering and computing education for minoritized and underrepresented populations within engineering and computing. The focus of our programming will be on developing equity and inclusion-based research and student programming centered around engineering and computing education. JEDI ambassadors will develop their understanding of social justice, while honing their presentation skills and research abilities, and learn how to incorporate social justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion within engineering and computer science education. Mentorship from faculty within the School for Universal Computing, Construction, and Engineering Education (SUCCEED) and others that participate in equity-centered research will be integral to helping students cultivate their research skills and ground their projects in scholarly frameworks. However, all programming will be student-led and student-driven with the hope of cultivating an inclusive learning environment that promotes active student engagement.

11/29/2021Dr. Matilde Sánchez-Peña visited us to discuss and answer any general questions the group has for her about her research and recent works.
05/17/21 Discussion on Netflix Documentary Coded Bias.
05/24/21Vossoughi, S., & Vakil, S. (2018). Towards what ends? A critical analysis of militarism, equity and STEM education. In Ali, A., & Buenavista, T. L. (Eds.), Education at war: The fight for students of color in America’s public schools [Kindle Edition] (pp. 2676-3179). Fordham University Press.
05/31/21Memorial Day
06/07/21Stanislaus, E. P., Hodge, L., & Wilkerson, A. (2021). COVID-19: How Will Historically Underrepresented Groups Fair in the Job Market?. Journal of Underrepresented & Minority Progress5(SI).
 06/14/21 Equity Group Discussion (Zoom Breakout Rooms)
 06/21/21McGee, E. O., Botchway, P. K., Naphan-Kingery, D. E., Brockman, A. J., Houston, S., & White, D. T. (2021). Racism camouflaged as impostorism and the impact on black STEM doctoral students. Race Ethnicity and Education, 1-21.
Trans Engineers You Should Know
Aiming for Equity in K-12 Computer Science
 07/05/21 Independence Day Holiday
 07/12/21 Guest Speaker Dr. Emily Blosser visited to discuss her WIP work on Goldie Blox— an engineering toy marketed at girls.
07/26/21Discussion on Bailey’s GRFP process
08/02/21No meeting

Dr. Amy Slaton will be visiting!

Slaton, A.E. (2015). Meritocracy, technocracy, democracy: Understandings of racial and gender equity in American engineering education. In S. Christensen, C. Didier, A. Jamison, M. Meganck, C. Mitcham, B. Newberry (Eds), International perspectives on engineering education: Philosophy of engineering and technology (Vol. 20) (pp. 171-189). Springer.

01/18/21MLK Jr. Day, discussion on  IANYT documentary.
01/25/21Discussion on our winter break book club reading— Isabel Wilkerson’s The Warmth of Other Suns.
02/01/21Discussion on article “Critical Theoretical Frameworks in Engineering Education: An Anti-Deficit and Liberative Approach” with Guest: Dr. Alex Mejia
Why is This Happening? podcast with Chris Hayes
Guest: Ta-Nehisi Coates
Topic: The events at the Capitol on January 6
A reading suggested by Bailey, with some informal discussion on what it might mean for her research.
Morales-Doyle, D., & Gutstein, E. R. (2019). Racial capitalism and STEM education in Chicago Public Schools. Race Ethnicity and Education, 22(4), 525-544.
Brian Burt guest visit and Q&A session
Burt, B. A. (2020). Broadening participation in the engineering professoriate: Influences on Allen’s journey in developing professorial intentions. Journal of Engineering Education, 109(4), 821-842.
Discussing Emmanuela’s podcast episodes.
Episode 11 Giving Yourself Grace and Episode 12 The Mishandling of Black Women in Higher Education (with Dr. Monique Liston)
Christopher Wright guest visit and Q&A session
Champion, D. N., Tucker-Raymond, E., Millner, A., Gravel, B., Wright, C. G., Likely, R., … & Dandridge, T. M. (2020). (Designing for) learning computational STEM and arts integration in culturally sustaining learning ecologies. Information and Learning Sciences.
A brainstorming session with Andrew Green
Topic: a project/grant idea for “student equity ambassadors/researchers” through CD-SSEC.
Julie Martin guest visit (reading on constructive reviews) and Q&A session
Martin, J. (2020). TIME FOR A CULTURE CHANGE− MOVING ACADEMIA FROM DESTRUCTIVE TO CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering26(1).
Interactive session with Dr. Secules related to some interview data
Interactive session with Dr. Secules related to some interview data, along with a 1-page project summary
A reading suggested by Emmanuela, “Intersectionality as Method
Haynes, C., Joseph, N. M., Patton, L. D., Stewart, S., & Allen, E. L. (2020). Toward an Understanding of Intersectionality Methodology: A 30-Year Literature Synthesis of Black Women’s Experiences in Higher Education. Review of Educational Research90(6), 751-787.
That’s a wrap!!
Discussion about things like highlights of the Spring semester, plans for the summer, any current projects or challenges, any things the group could support each other on or collaborate on. .”
08/27/20Episode: ‘I Still Believe in It’ –Nice White Parents
09/03/20Discussion on Dr. Stanislaus’s dissertation work
09/10/20No Meeting
09/17/20 A Therapist Walks into a Bar: Seeing White
09/24/20Bhattacharya, K. (2015). The Vulnerable Academic: Personal Narratives and Strategic De/Colonizing of Academic Structures. Qualitative Inquiry22(5), 309–321.
10/01/20Chapter 1 from Holland’s Identity and Agency in Cultural Worlds, “The Woman Who Climbed up the House.”
10/08/20Crenshaw, K. (1989). Demarginalizing the intersection of race and sex: A Black feminist critique of antidiscrimination doctrine, feminist theory and antiracist policies. The University of Chicago Legal Forum1989(1), 139–167.

Podcast versions of the book by Michael Bronski— A Queer History of the United States.

10/22/20Podcast episode:
10/2920No Meeting, informal discussion

Discussion on Maimuna’s manuscript for 2021 CoNECD Conference

Short info: In this manuscript, the authors tell the story of one minoritized student’s experience in engineering education. These stories help uncover new insights about inclusion by incorporating aspects of student identity and faculty interactions within each story.

11/12/20Open House
11/19/20Discussion on Andrew/Bailey’s work
11/26/20Thanksgiving break

Final Meeting

C. Bullock, E. (2017). Only STEM Can Save Us? Examining Race, Place, and STEM Education as Property. Educational Studies53(6), 628–641.