This semester, the group is having hybrid meetings on Wednesdays at 2:00 pm, and we are always open to adding new members.

If you’re interested in joining our meetings or applying to the PhD program, contact us to find out more or drop an email to ssecules [at] fiu [dot] edu !


08/29/2023Check in meeting
09/12/2023Discussion on Tiana’s in-progress paper from UTA project
09/19/2023Dr. Matthew Bahnson guest visit and Q&A Session
 09/26/2023Discussion on Emmanuel’s paper
10/03/2023Discussion on Dorothy’s Storytelling Project
10/17/2023ERG research speed dating
10/31/2023Dr. Atota Halkiyo paper presentation and Discussion.
11/07/2023Workshop on mindfulness led by Bailey
11/14/2023JEDI Ambassador presentation
11/21/2023No meeting
11/28/2023Writing Check-in meeting
12/05/2023Dr. Andrew Green dissertation presentation
12/12/2023JEDI Ambassador presentation